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Hello everyone!

First what i want to say its not my article only my bad translation. Also sorry for a lot  of mistakes  i will glad if you correct me in (in commentaries)

Gods stones high level appeared in Atreia a long time ago, and rumors that the chance of their passing through the enemy's magic defense is higher than that of similar "blue", not stopped. Understand a little bit with the usual routine, Shadael decided to test whether this is so.

Myth number 1: The Gold GS have chance of passing through the  magic defense of target is higher than that of similar blue.


Rebel number 1: arrows, Level 60, the accuracy of the magic 1121.

Rebel number 2: healer, level 60 magic defense 2200.

List of used items:

Godstone: Khrudgelmir's Tatsitness ("blue", Level 40)

Godstone: Beritra's Plot ("gold" level 50)

The results of the experiment:

According to the "victim" was applied 20,000 strikes - ten weapons, which was inserted into GS Khrudgelmir's Tatsitness and ten - with Beritra's Plot. The results showed the following:

As it turned out,  is no  difference between the blue and gold GS: small differences are due to statistical error. Blue, and gold stones have exactly the same chance to go through the magical protection, between them there is absolutely no difference, except the level of monsters against which they dropped.

Status of myth dispelled! Gold and blue GS equally responsive to the opponent's magic defense and do not have any "personal" magic accuracy.

If we are talking about the magical protection Shadael decided to check out another interesting myth. It is said that the upper limit of magical protection - 70%, and thirty percent of the required skills will work, regardless of the accuracy of the magical attacker. But is it?

For the purity of the second experiment "attacking" was equipped to minimize the magic accuracy, and the "victim" had a very high magic defense - as much as three thousand. Do not try this at home! Secret Mojo rebels are not always accessible to ordinary Daevas.

Myth number 2: The upper limit of magical protection - 70%.


Rebel number 3: gladiator level 60 dagger for training level 1, basic magic accuracy  , 855.

Rebel number 4: healer, level 60 magic defense 3000.

List of used items:

Godstone: Khrudgelmir's Tatsitness ("blue", Level 40)

The results of the experiment:

As in the previous case, the victim has received 10,000 hits from dagger. Silence is reset 530 times, and 56 times the victim was numb - as in the previous case, the chance was about 10%. 

The myth dispelled: the upper threshold magical protection - not 70, but 90%.

It remained only to find whether the difference in the levels on this limit.


Rebel number 5: ranger, level 1, and a dagger for training level 1, the accuracy of the magic 14.

Rebel number 4: Healer of the previous experiment, level 60 magic defense 3000.

List of used items:

Godstone: Beritra's Plot ("gold" level 50).

The results of the experiment:

In 9.38% of cases the victim was numb from level 60 weapon effects, whose owner had just appeared on the light! Of course, in conditions close to the fighting, they would never have met, but it means that the upper limit of the magical protection does not depend on the difference in the level - it is 90%, regardless of whether there are enemies on the force.

Status of myth dispelled! Upper threshold magic defense is 90%.
fuck yeah!!!!!! realy i did it i kill my laziness and do this shit 
If you disagree with this article prove your opinion!^^